“Your shoes are only as good as the laces they’re attached to.” The art of lacing has always helped one to conquer the world. However, a dash of creativity will undoubtedly help to see things differently. It also helps to deal with uncertainty. Each time you make sure your laces are tight and snub, however, your cool pair of sneakers needs your personal touch. A special touch in the form of the right way to tie shoes. But this time, make sure your laces are tied differently to let you take your shoes’ aesthetics up by a notch.
Dmodot has curated the best selection of formal shoes, loafers & moccasins, slippers & sandals, slip-on mules, sneakers, and Chelsea boots. But your hidden disposition of creativity can only be revealed the way you lace up your shoes. There are a number of ways to lace up your shoes creatively from which we’ve hand-picked the 5 cool ways to tie up your shoelaces.
Criss-Cross Method
The Criss-cross method is considered to be the most classic yet functional method where shoelaces are crisscrossed through the eyelets. This lacing method is contemplated to be the strongest yet efficient. However, they are suitable for regular sneakers and premium handcrafted leather shoes.
Heel-locking Method
The Heal-locking method is great for a super-tight finish. Known to provide extra rear foot stability, Heel-locking method looks supremely cool on sneakers or sport shoes which are exclusively designed for sports activities. It begins with crossing your laces and inserting them into the loop on the opposite side of the eyelets.
Allow Dmodot to lift your spirits with aesthetically pleasing shoes at Dmodot which is a one-stop-shop for the best Sneakers. Some of the perfect sports staples that deserve to be a part of your shoe cabinet are Fresco, Lustro, Zippo Doppio, Grego, Cobalto, and Sapphiro.
Straight-Lace Method
Appears to be horizontal, straight-lace method is suitable for Oxford, Brogues, & Monkstraps available at Dmodot. This method was once pondered to be excessively strict in conduct. However, the simplicity and symmetry of the straight bar have gained immense popularity making it a popular lacing style. It starts by crossing the shoelace into eyelets an even number of times. The ends of the shoelaces meet in the middle so that it can be tied together.
Lattice Method
This method is well-suited for shoes having odd eyelets. Amp up your look with decorative lattice which are crossed at a steep angle in order to weave through each other. This lacing method also looks good on even eyelets. Make sure you demonstrate your creativity on Somerso, Tannino, Carrero, Monano, Azzurro Rosso, Assasino, Bruno, and Chocolatto offered by Dmodot.
Alternate Straight-Lace Method
The Alternate straight-lace method starts by placing one end of the shoelace through the first eyelets followed by passing it under the opposite eyelet. The same method continues till it passes through the odd eyelet. This method is pretty decorative, traditional, and functional. This time, your creative take would further enhance the charm of Sapphiro, Grego, Cherno, Cobalto, Bronzo, Capto Bruno, and Capto Assasino.
The Verdict
The art of lacing reflects your personality and your mood on that fine day. Add an extra dash of creativity with Dmodot that offers premium handcrafted leather. These sought-after collections of leather shoes are not only capable of hitting the fashion street but make it an everyday staple.